今天准备写在线学习的教材。原来的《现代远程教育》已经不能在写了,写《在线教育的理论与实践》已经有好几本了,所以想着是不是写《在线学习设计与研究》。结果兜兜转转看到了learning engineering。顺便记一下对这个词的探究。
📝 什么是学习工程
🤗 学习工程发展的10个可能
Top 10 opportunities | Examples |
Better Learning Engineering | ㅤ |
1. Enhance R&D Infrastructure in Widely Deployed Platforms | Make high-quality data available for a broader range of platforms
Develop an ecosystem where researchers can more easily build on each others’ findings and research code
Develop general purpose software components for identifying how effective content is
Extend experimentation infrastructure to a broader range of learning platforms, along with good tools for authoring content for studies
Extend experimentation testing infrastructure to study the effectiveness of combined interventions
Develop general purpose software components for reinforcement learning
Embed measures of student affect, self-regulated learning, and engagement into learning engineering platforms
Support the development of easier processes and technologies for IRB and privacy compliance for learning platforms |
2. Build Components to Create Next-Generation Learning Technologies Faster | Create production-grade components for student modeling that can be integrated into different learning systems and used at scale
Support research on the data needs and practical limitations of modern student modeling algorithms
Create reusable components for interventions such as mindset interventions
Develop production-grade toolkits to facilitate modeling complex student behavior
Develop toolkits for natural language processing in education |
3. Learning Engineering to Support Diversity and Enhance Equity | Require that projects collect more complete data on learner identity and characteristics
Require that projects check models and findings for algorithmic bias and differential impact
Encourage participatory and inclusive design, involving members of the communities impacted |
4. Bring Learning Engineering to Domain-Based Educational Research | Create a network to incentivize and scaffold widespread sharing and collaboration on domain knowledge gaps
Fund support for hybrid AI/human methods for knowledge graph discovery
Support infrastructure for discovering and remedying student misconceptions |
Support human processes | ㅤ |
5. Enhance Human–Computer Systems | Increase the richness of data given to teachers while maintaining usability and comprehensibility
Provide teachers with real-time recommendations about when to provide additional support to students and what kind of support to provide
Support research on integration of computer tutoring and human tutoring |
6. Better Engineer Learning System Implementation in Schools | Improve integration of data between classroom practices, students’ learning experiences, and teacher professional development to study which practices around the use of learning technology are effective and scalable
Develop a taxonomy of teacher practices around the use of learning technology, and use it to study which practices and professional development is effective and scalable
Develop automated and semiautomated methods to encourage teachers to use the right practice at the right time |
7. Improve Recommendation, Assignment, and Advising Systems | Develop advising and recommendation systems that support better advising practices
Design explainable AI methods for repurposing prediction models into easy-to-understand recommendations for advisors and students
Fund infrastructure that enables experimentation around prediction and recommendation and connects it with outcome data |
Better learning technologies | ㅤ |
8. Optimize for Robust Learning and Long-Term Achievement | Increase awareness of existing cognitive science findings around robust learning
Incentivize and plan for longer-term follow-up for A/B studies |
9. Support Learning 21st-Century Skills and Collaboration | Develop data science challenges to drive competition to create reliable and valid measures of 21st-century skills, including collaboration, using new technologies and data collection methods
Develop data science challenges to drive competition to create learning systems that scaffold collaboration and support the development of 21st-century skills |
10. Improved Support for Student Engagement | Examine which engagement/affective interventions (both teacher-driven and automated) are effective for which students, in which situations
Create a competition where engagement/affective interventions are combined and compared in a sample large enough to also study individual differences
Develop better understanding of teacher and student preferences and comfort for engagement/affective interventions |
Note. R&D = research and development; AI = artificial intelligence; IRB = Institutional Review Board | ㅤ |
📎 参考文章
- 佚名. 2023. Learning engineering[EB/OL]//Wikipedia. (2023-05-15)[2023-11-26]. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Learning_engineering&oldid=1154959129.
- Dede, Chris; Richards, John; Saxberg, Bror (2018). "Learning Engineering for Online Education: Theoretical Contexts and Design-Based Examples". Routledge & CRC Press.
- BAKER R S, BOSER U, SNOW E L. 2022. Learning Engineering: A View on Where the Field Is at, Where It’s Going, and the Research Needed[J/OL]. Technology, Mind, and Behavior, 3(1: Spring 2022)[2023-11-26]. https://tmb.apaopen.org/pub/5ib9cpqa/release/1.